
Customize as you would like for scalable business

Only pay for what you use

Join over 21,000 people in 100+ countries around the world.

There will be an initial set up cost which will be determined based on the modules, and the configuration or customization.

  • Employee Management
  • Leave Management
  • Employee Timesheet Management
  • Expense Management
  • Travel Management
  • Learning Management System
  • Employee Performance Management
  • Payroll Management
  • HR Bot

    Intent/Use case is the task the user wants to perform.

    Use cases specfic to the selected modules will be enabled.

    Intent Examples : Apply Leave Status,Holiday Calender,Approve Leaves,Approve Timesheet.

    HR Bot Channels

    desktop Teams Website

    • If you select 3 or more modules, the HR Chatbot is free of charge.
    • If you opt for less than 3 modules and require the HR Bot, contact sales for pricing.
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Project Management
  • Project Management - Standard
    • Portfolio Dashboard
    • Portfolio Assignment
    • Project Analytics
    • Status Report & Schedule Summary
    • Payment Milestone Tracking
    • WBS Gantt Charts
    • Risks & Issues Tracking
    • Audit Trail
    • Customized Reminders & Notifications
    • Change Request Management
    • Resource Management
  • Project Management - Enterprise
    • Project - Standard
    • Project Estimation
    • Project Timeline & Task-board
    • Milestone Mapping
    • Project Inventory
    • Subcontractor Management
    • Bug Tracker
    • Project Financials
    • Document Repository
PM - Add-Ons
Please choose any PM - module and users to enable the Add-Ons.
  • O360 Client Desk
  • O360 Vendor Desk
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Enterprise Chat Bot
  • Omni channel support
  • Enterprise application integration
  • Q&A Builder
  • Analytics Dashboard